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Education Beyond Excellence!


Sasurie College of Engineering, Tirupur has, over the years, grown into an institution of greater repute and promise. Ever since its inception in the year 2001, under the guidance of many stalwarts in engineering and academic fields, this institution has been on the forefront to establish a honest and disciplined work culture with a definite intent to achieve success in every field.

There is no short-cut to success; and efforts have to be relentless and; the win situation to an institution would be a certainty if only there is transparency of work at every stage and commitment of the faculty members towards the future of the young generations. Every individual has to play a vital role with dedication and unchartered readiness. Today Sasurie College of Engineering, Tirupur has earned a name for itself, as the institution where discipline coupled with value based education is the main criterion. Once a reputation is attained, it is even a greater responsibility to hold on to the reputation and I am very happy that we at SCE,Tirupur, as it is popularly known among the stakeholders, have been sincerely working to safe-guard this reputation and to scale newer heights of excellence in technical education.

The aim of our college is always to bring out the Students and to make them better citizens. The Institute always try to impart in the students’ academic excellence, a sense of duty, discipline and above all moral and humanitarian values which are in need of time. Through our educative mission we try to help our students to think differently, to discover the impossible, to travel the unexplored path and to conquer the problems of life courageously to succeed in life. I strongly believe that our students will turn out to be the best technocrats with strong human and ethical values.

Success and Excuses don’t talk to each other………………
If you give Excuses forget Success and to achieve Success forget Excuses………